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The books and articles below can serve as introductions to various aspects of the Orthodox Faith —Motherhood and Monasticism in particular
A Selection of Akathists
For Each Little Church
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"The Two Paths" by Protection of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Monastery
“[…] the Church considers that there are two paths upon which one can trod in the journey toward salvation: the married life or that of the monastic. Contrary to what many may believe, these two paths are very similar, with many of the same spiritual responsibilities; the difference being, aside from that noted by St. John, that the monastic path is much narrower since the monastic life takes the precepts that govern the life of those in the world to a more stringent observance…”
Creation, the Fall, and Women’s Path to Salvation by R. Nun Maria
“Thus is the woman called by God to the very highest virtue: self-sacrificing love. This is a special way in which she bears the image of God: for as the woman suffers and even risks death for the sake of her children, so did Christ suffer and die to save His creation. Even in her humility and obedience does she bear the image of Christ, Who, though equal to the Father in essence, was subject and obedient to Him, even to death on the Cross. Thus, in a way she never expected, is the woman’s proud desire purified and fulfilled: she becomes like God. And, bearing Christ’s likeness in humility and suffering, she will bear it also in resurrection and glory. In the end, if she follows truly the path which Christ opened to her by His incarnation and sacrifice, the “likeness” itself will be transfigured and transcended: she will be deified, made one with God in close yet unconfused union, as iron placed in fire becomes one with the fire, yet remains itself.”
A Letter on Humility by Mother Alexandra
“But what does humility really mean? The derivation of the word "humble" is the Latin "humus," meaning "soil," and herein lies a most apt metaphor for understanding what is most basic to humility. The humble feel themselves equal to the soil upon which they walk and from which they are made. They cannot be lowered, for they are already low. But this lowliness in no way means servility; it means purity and godliness. Satan's great fall came from his inordinate pride, which rendered him impure. For us, each time that we let pride get the better of us, we have similarly soiled ourselves. This is the nature of our lowliness: not servility, but a purity shared with the soil, by which we paradoxically remain unsoiled (by pride).”
What is the role of the Presbytera?
As Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens and All Greece once said:
“To be a priest’s wife is to accept the following: blessing (eulogia), sacrifice (thysia), service (diakonia), and responsibility (euthyne).”
A priest’s wife should be the Christian role model for all women. This is an important point for each and every presbytera to remember throughout the remainder of their lives and in ministry to the Church.
The wife of a priest is known as “Presbytera,” “Khouria,” “Matushka,” and “Preoteasa.” Other Orthodox languages have similar titles. The title of presbytera can be found among many ancient Christian writings, and the fact that there is a title, points to a role and an honor that surrounds that role…
The Life of Abbess Arsenia of Ust-Medvedits
Abbess Arsenia (1833-1905) came from a notable family of the Don region. At the age of seventeen, Anna Mikhailova entered the Ust-Medvedits Monastery of her own accord. The monastery reached its highest peak in the 40 years of her abbacy, from 1864 until her repose on August 3, 1905.
The Life and Teachings of Gerontissa Macrina
Gerontissa Macrina was the abbess of the Monastery of Panagia Hodigitria near the city of Volos, a spiritual child of Elder Joseph the Hesychast († 1959) and Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona. Gerontissa led monasteries founded with the blessing of Elder Joseph the Hesychast for more than thirty years, from 1963 to 1995. She acquired numerous spiritual gifts and was blessed with high spiritual states.
Women's Participation in “Vesting” and the Liturgical Colors of the Orthodox Church
Early Christian writers viewed the veil or head-covering as a spiritual armor, and this spiritual armor, this veiling of Orthodox women, has its origins in apostolic times, patristic writings, and the iconography of the Church... It is a form of Liturgical Vesting for women within the Orthodox Church.
A Short Spiritual Reading List
The Orthodox Church - Timothy Ware
The Orthodox Way - Bishop Kallistos (Timothy) Ware
The Perfection of Women in Christ - Abbess Theologia
Orthodox Psychotherapy - Metropolitan Hierotheos
Eternity Now: An Introduction to Orthodox Spirituality - Mother Thekla
Orthodox Spirituality - Fr. Dumitru Staniloae
Unseen Warfare - Lorenzo Scupoli
Beginning to Pray - Anthony Bloom
The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology
The Arena - St. Ignatius Brianchaninov
The Field - St. Ignatius Brianchaninov
Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven - St. Innocent of Alaska
God’s Revelation to the Human Heart - Fr. Seraphim Rose
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future - Fr. Seraphim Rose
The Soul after Death - Fr. Seraphim Rose
The Prologue of Ohrid
My Life in Christ - St. John of Kronstadt
Our Thoughts Determine our Lives - Elder Thaddeus
Wounded by Love - Elder Porphyrios
Encountering Women of Faith, Volumes 1-3 - St. Catherine’s Vision
The Lives of the Great Holy Women - St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Press
Living Without Hypocrisy: Spiritual Counsels of the Holy Optina Elders
In the Heart of the Desert: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers
The Forgotten Desert Mothers
Books by, or about,
our spiritual mothers…
Letters to Beginners - Abbess Thaisia
Abbess Thaisia of Leushino: An Autobiography of a Spiritual Daughter of St. John of Kronstadt
Monasticism in the 21st Century - Mother Ephrosynia
Mother Theosemni - Monastery of Chrysopigi
Words of the Heart - Gerondissa Makrina
Mother Gavrilia: The Ascetic of Love - Sister Gavrilia
The Holy Angels - Mother Alexandra
Becoming Icons of Christ - Mother Raphaela
Growing In Christ: Shaped in His Image - Mother Raphaela
Saint Matrona the Blind: Our Friend in Christ
Maria of Olonets: Desert Dweller of the Northern Forests
Blessed Euphemia of Serbia - The Life of an Apostolic Eldress
Ascetic Strugglers for Piety Vol 1: Eldress Matrona
Ascetic Strugglers for Piety Vol 2: Eldress Evdokia
Stubborn Love: A Story of St. Maria of Paris
The Hermitess Photini - Archimandrite Joachim
The Life of Saint Makrina and on Virginity - St. Gregory of Nyssa
Living in Christ: Essays on the Christian Life by an Orthodox Nun - Mother Raphaela
I Live Again: A Memoir of Ileana, Princess of Romania and Archduchess of Austria
The Counsels of a Contemporary Amma: What Matushka Seraphima Taught Us
God, Where is the Wound? Healing Remedies for Today’s World - Mother Siluana
Offering Ourselves, We Enter into His Joy [Vol 1&2] - Mother Siluana
365 Mornings with Mother Siluana
Striving Toward God: Spiritual Advice for Daily Living - Abbess Arsenia
Blessed Athanasia and the Desert Ideal, Disciple of St. Seraphim
A Greek Orthodox Nun in Buckingham Palace
Eldress Myrtidiotissa: The Ascetic Struggler of Klissoura - Metropolitan Cyprian
Consoler of Suffering Hearts: The Life, Counsels, and Miracles of Eldress Rachel, Visionary of Russia
Scent of Holiness: Lessons from a Women's Monastery - Constantina Palmer
Building an Orthodox Marriage: A Practical Commentary on the Eastern Orthodox Marriage Rite - Bishop John Abdalah
On Marriage and Family Life - St. John Chrysostom
Two Become One: An Orthodox Christian Guide to Engagement and Marriage
Glory and Honor: Orthodox Christian Resources on Marriage
Marriage as a path to Holiness: Lives of Married Saints
The Ascetic Lives of Mothers: A Prayer Book for Orthodox Moms
Under the Laurel Tree: Grieving Infertility with Sts. Joachim and Anna
Fertile Ground: A Pilgrimage Through Pregnancy
A Sacred Beginning: Nurturing Your Body, Mind, and Soul During Baby’s First Forty Days
Books on parenting
and motherhood…
Blueprints for the Little Church: Creating an Orthodox Home
Following a Sacred Path: Raising Godly Children
Walking in Wonder: Nurturing Christian Virtues in Your Children
Raising Them Right: A Saint’s Advice on Raising Children - St. Theophan
Parenting Toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Christian Principles of Child-Rearing
Orthodox Christian Parenting: Recipes for Raising Children
Children in the Church Today - Sister Magdalen
Our Church and Our Children - Sophie Koulomzin
Crowned: An Orthodox Christian Wedding Guide
Some children’s books…
A Child’s Guide to Confession
A Child’s Guide to Prayer
A Child’s Guide to Divine Liturgy
Josiah and Julia go to Church: A Young Child’s Guide to Church Etiquette
Goodnight Jesus - Angela Isaacs
What do you see at Liturgy? - Kristina Kallas-Tartara
I Pray Today - Angela Isaacs
My First Series - Potamitis Publishing
My First Orthodox Words - Orthodox Lighthouse Publishing
The Life of Christ in Icons - Marina Paliaki
H is for Holy: An Orthodox Christian Alphabet - Nika Boyd
Saint Ia Rides a Leaf - Kristina Kallas-Tartara
Nine Deer and Me - Melinda Johnson
Moscata visits a Monastery - Chelsea Youell
The Miracle of Saint Nicholas - Gloria Whelan
Saint Nicholas and the Nine Gold Coins - Jim Forest
The Hidden Garden: A Story of the Heart - Jane G. Meyer
The Monk who grew in Prayer - Claire Brandenburg
Saint George and the Dragon - Jim Forest
Lucia, Saint of Light -Katherine Bolger Hyde
The Story of Mary the Mother of God - Dorrie Papademetriou
The Feast of Pentecost - Mother Melania
The Life of St. Brigid, Abbess of Kildare - Jane G. Meyer
North Star: St. Herman of Alaska - Dorrie Papademetriou
Shepherding Sam - Melinda Johnson
Painting Angels - Melinda Johnson
The Barn and the Book - Melinda Johnson
My Holy Queens and Princesses - Potamitis Publishing